Talking about the Adventure

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By: leelefever on September 27, 2005 - 4:38pm


For the first time last night, I posted something about our plans to my professional blog at It was the first time I've ever mentioned anything specific about the trip.  It was quite a momentous occasion for me personally, as it's been something I've kept quiet for months and months.  It marks the beginning of trying to get people to come to the site via a little buzz.  In a couple of days, I will start linking to the site, which should be interesting.  You can read the post here.


I have to admit to some anxiety about the whole thing.  I always have such high expectation for things, it's just part of the way I look at the world.  I know that after putting so much love into this site, it will be hard for my expectations to be met, and that's a little sad me thinks.  I keep reminding myself that we are going on an amazing trip and the success of the site has very little to do with the success of the trip.  If it flames out, we're still going on the trip, and that's comforting.

So, right here before we see if the Internet cares, I'm trying to temper my expectations a bit and be happy with what happens. It's all a big experiment anyway.