Video: Coming to America for the BIG Surprise
Man oh man, did the 50th wedding anniversary surprise work perfectly. After planning on it for over a year with my brothers(even before we left) it was so wonderful to see my parents' reaction - particularly my Mom's.
As I described before, we told my parents that we would be abroad until Christmas and would miss their anniversary party. In order to understand how big of a surprise it was when we were revealed, you just have to watch the video. I can't watch it without getting a little misty.
We've Been Lying to You, Dear Reader
I'm sorry that we have had to deceive you for so long, but it was required so that we could give my Mom what she described as "one of the biggest thrills of her life" on her 50th wedding anniversary.
You see, she is a devoted reader of TwinF and in order to fool her, we had to fool everyone into believing that we would be abroad until Christmas. In fact, we spent Thanksgiving in New York and took a train to North Carolina last Friday.
For instance, the little box on the home page says "351 days en route and in San Sebastian, Spain." A complete untruth.
In Sachi's recent post...
Tomorrow we are catching a train to Zaragoza and Pamplona for just a night or two each on our way to San Sebastian on Spain's northern coast. A BOLD FACED LIE.
Like I said, we did it to pull off a big surprise. This weekend my parent's celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and they believed we would not make it home for the event. Of course, we would not miss it and planned to attend-by-surprise before we left. So we planned all this over a year ago - all so that we could see this reaction...
(all photos by our friend Greg Parks)
I hope you'll forgive us. We'll have a video of the trip home and the surprise coming soon. From here, we drive across the country to Seattle over next next 2-3 weeks (the truth, I swear!)
Fish Farming at Blue Ridge Fish Hatchery

A Little History

Hatching and Raising Fish

About Koi

Southern Hospitality and Fish Farms

LeFever Christmas Traditions
Koi Men and Old Friends

Ice, Ice Baby
We got into North Carolina on Independence Air after having to be de-iced on the tarmac in Washington Dulles. Unfortunately, the de-icer got into the plane's exhaust and we had to go back to the gates for a while. We finally made it in about 7pm last night (2 hours late), during an ice storm that blanketed everything but the roads in about an 1/8th inch of ice. We've had enough ice for a while. But we did get these pics...
After writing about trying to leave work behind, something funny happened tonight. We're staying with my cousin Bruce on our way to the coast and after pizza and a movie we went to bed. What did we find in our guest room? A wireless router. So, here I am typing and Flickring away. Oh well.
Learning to Stop Working
We're temporarily at the house where I grew up in Kernersville, NC with my parents. We're just about to leave for a road trip around the southeast to see friends.
I'm struck today, when I'm supposed to be relaxing at home, by my compulsion to check email, blog, upload pictures to Flickr and basically keep up with my online life. I need to slow this trend down.
I think that I haven't really stopped working at all. All the deliverables from my normal work world have been transitioned to to-dos on the trip. I am drawn to fill gaps of relaxing by thinking about what I could do on the computer, even as I sacrifice more trip oriented activities. I couldn't wait to have the feeling of not working, but it seems inescapable.
As we said from the very beginning, we want to have a good trip more than a good web site and I have to keep that in mind. Of course, I realize that I'm practicing that which I criticize about myself at this moment- it just feels good I suppose.

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